Angel's Love

by Chris

I was raised with so much love
Loneliness, Pain, Parting away
You teach me all of them

In order to become stronger
You give me a pair of wings
I shout, I hurt, I struggle
Until I understand what my tears are for

I want to meet another person
Who could reflect your image
I want to be loved by that person

You taught me that accepting means love
Because you always accept me
You show me the image of the future and teach me
How to walk in that way

How could I forget that day
When I couldn't treat myself?
Only you can understand my expression
When I'm happy or When I'm sad
I can't hide it from you

Why do I forget that I was raised with so much love?
Who is the person that always accept me?
The words "Thank You" isn't enough
To express my honest gratitude
Can you show me love once again?

Sorry if I couldn't say this clearly until now
"You're the only person who can show me love"
I keep repeating that words for a long time and
I can't hold my tears anymore